Rates & Insurance

Fee for Service Rates Upon Request:

Reduced fee services are available on a limited basis.

Free 30 minute telephone Special Education Consultation
Free 30 minute telephone Eldercare Consultation

Elder Care Advocacy:

  • Types of Service
  1. Caregiver Support Groups/Individual Counseling
  2. Elder Care Family Meetings
  3. Elder Care Home Visit
  4. Elder Care, Skilled Nursing Facility and Assisted Living Site Visits
  5. Find the Right Fit:  "Tailoring Home Care to Your Needs"
  6. Learn how to navigate the Long Term Care, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security systems
  7. Medicare Advantage. Supplement, Dental, & Rx Planning.   I represent all of the major Medicare & Long Term Care companies
  8. Navigate/coordinate Client Needs with Various Community Providers Such as MD's, Pharmacies and Other Medical Professional

Member of the National Aging in Place Council and Senior Networking Umbrella

Special Education Advocacy Representation:
Attend school related meetings with parent concerning regular educational or special education support services via phone or in-person.  This service based on an hourly rate.  Advocacy Representation helps to ensure that your child's rights are protected and parents are  fully informed while having an active voice involving their child's education.

Fee for Service Upon Request

  • Types of Service:
  1. Individual Education Plan (IEP Meeting CSE/CPSE)
  2. 504 Meeting and Impartial Hearings
  3. Student Support Meeting
  4. Parent/Teacher Conference Meeting
  5. Comprehensive Child Study Team Meeting
  6. Individual Problem Solving Meeting
  7. Pupil Personnel Services Meeting (PPS)
  8. OPWDD Applications

  • Information/Documents Needed:
  1. Parent/Student Contract and Identifying Information
  2. Nature of Meeting
  3. Copy of Parent Meeting Notification
  4. School Contact Information
  5. Copy of Un-Returnable Student Educational Records (Test Results, Medical and Psychiatric Evaluations, Report Cards, Discipline Notices, Suspension Notices, Behavior Logs, BIPS, Functional Behavioral Assessments, Treatment Logs, History, Work Samples, Teacher Reports, Superintendent Reports, IEP's etc...).
  6. Signed Contract
  7. Complete on Line Contact Form

Consultation Fee for Service on request:

  • Phone/Home Consultation
  • School-Based Consultation

School Site Visits:

  • Student Observation
  • Classroom Observation
  • Monitor Observation

IEP Analysis & Letter Writing:

Leslie is the President of IBO Special Needs Group

Why I Do Not Accept Insurance:

Insurance, or managed care allows access to information about your care. Information about your care is confidential.  Case managers make it their business to have access to your private information.  I think it is important that potential clients are thoroughly informed about the disadvantages of going through a managed care company to access service.

The federal government allows HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations to provide greater degrees of privacy than before, your personal information is accessible to many people who are not directly involved in your care.  This information is necessary for determining benefits, but some government agencies and law enforcement organizations could get access to this information which could put you at a disadvantage should legal issues arise.

If you pay for services yourself, there are only a very few, limited reasons determined by law for which anyone other than your therapist needs to know you are in therapy.

Difficulty Accessing Treatment:

Insurance and Managed care companies are in a constant struggle to keep their costs down.  This means your therapist has less control over your treatment.

Most managed care companies put limits on which conditions are covered by their plans.  They may require a pre-authorization by your doctor or many deny your therapy.  If you are covered, your therapist may not be in the managed care network and coverage will be denied.  You will then need to find a therapist in your network who is taking on new clients and has expertise about your issue.  This can delay your treatment as the therapist gets authorization for treatment from a case manager.

Some insurance companies and managed care companies impose limits on the number of sessions they will allow. Some only allow 4 to 10 sessions. When you reach your limit a new authorization may be required with more delays in treatment.

Managed care will not pay for treatment unless you have a mental illness.  Most people seek therapy to help them improve or enhance their lives or relationships. Managed care will not pay for therapy unless you have a diagnosed mental illness.

Schedule Online;

Request an appointment online here .


Questions? Please contact me for further information.

Contact Me

Face-to-Face Appointments in the Comfort of the Client's Home Only
Video Conferencing and Teletherapy by Zoom or GoTo Meeting
New York, Nassau, Suffolk, Counties and New York City




9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm


By Appointment

